Saturday, October 3, 2015

Tiger Babies: How To Heal Yourselves

  • Have you had parents who expected nothing but only the BEST from you?
  • Have you had parents who were still unhappy even if you score 99 out of 100 for your examination papers?
  • Do you feel you are not accepted by your parents even though you have done your best?
  • Maybe your parents have told you this is tough love but ask yourself honestly: how do you really feel in your heart? Is it tough love or do your parents have emotional problems from their youth and they can't gave you true love?
  • So your parents have asked you to toughen up? And you don't realise there's a growing star tissue right inside of you?
  •  Do you have problems letting the 'goodness' of life flow into you because you have shut yourself down emotionally?
Here are some ways for you to heal yourself, your pain and your heart: (

1. Have an emotional life

Don't worry. You may be swarmed by a lot of emotions in you. Your feelings are real, don't trample them

2. Please yourself

Be happy. The first step to do is to participate in a free seminar to look for opportunities.

3. Take care of your body, through food, water and exercises

As little fastfood as possible. 

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