Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Rules of Parenting - Moods Are Catching

Source: Clipartsheep

Have you noticed?

When you feel angry, your children will feel angry angry.
When you are feel worried, your children feel dispirited too.
When you are nonchalant about family matters, your children  gradually stay away from you.
When you threaten them, they threaten you back.

On the other hand, when the feelings that you exhibit are positive, have you noticed beautiful things start to happen?

When you smile, your children feel happy with you.
When you praise, your children start to do the things you want them to do on their own initiative, without the need for you to nag at them.
When you are forgiving, your children are sweeter and less bitter.

When you find your child unable to handle their emotions maturely, maybe the first thing to do is not to punish them, but to first ask yourself whether you are able to handle your emotions maturely in the first place.

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More Links:

The Rules of Parenting, by Richard Templar
Download the book at Amazon.
Read my review on the book, The Rules of Parenting, by Richard Templar

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