Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Better Way Towards Child-Rearing

11 Positive Words To Tell Your Child

As a tutor for the past ten years, I hear many ugly things that parents say to their children.

"Why are you so stupid?" 
"You are not that stupid, right?"
"You are so lazy!"
"Where are your brains?"

I, as a third party, can feel how ugly the words are. What effects would they have on the child? Read my post "Words Matter! - What We Can Learn From Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiment".

You may want to brush me off and say, "Hey, it's okay! Kids are resilient! Look! They are back at playing again."

But I assure you, for some kids, the scars will be there. For so many years, my mother was always telling that I'm not good in this and I'm not good at that. Like many children, I would forget about that and after a night's rest, I would be fine the next day. But as the years went by, I did come to see myself as not good enough. Coincidentally, I also attracted many people into my life who added no value to me because all they do were to criticise me for being not good for this and that.

There are better ways to raise your child. There are other aspects of raising your child other than increasing his or her intelligence. Here are my suggestions:

Emotional Development

  • Use positive words, always!
  • Have time to have pure rest and pure leisure. Just to have fun and not to learn things.

Character Development

  • Show by example what is meant by compassion, kindness, gratitude, be true to one's word, and personal integrity.
  • If your kids are bullied, show they how they can be more assertive without being aggressive.
  • Assure your kids it is fine to be unique. They do not always have to follow what their friends are doing or have the things their friends have.

Self Management

  • Teach your kids how to organise their time, activities and school work. Restrain yourself from helping to organise because the objective is for your kids not you to learn organisation. This will teach them to be independent.
  • Teach your kids methods of learning, such as by writing summary notes, reflection notes, drawing diagrams, creating mnemonics, doing comparisons and contrasts, doing chronological charts, talking and discussing, listening to music, audios and education radio programs, watching education videos, using drama techniques. In this way, they find it easier and more interesting to remember information and will be more motivated to study better.

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More Websites:

300 Positive Words to Describe Your Children

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